People who are down on their luck may be tempted to make a Durban storage unit their temporary home. After all, it’s cheaper than a hotel or apartment.
Some people do try to get away with it, as a Google search any time of the year will reveal. But in most cases, these living arrangements result in more trouble than they’re worth. For instance, a woman in Fargo, ND, resorted to living in a storage unit in early 2015 after being evicted from her home. She wound up being trapped in the unit after she was unable to unlock the door and was treated for mild hypothermia.
While people like the woman in Fargo may be desperate to put a roof over their heads, camping out in a Durban storage unit isn’t the way to go, experts say. Generally, state laws prohibit using a Durban storage unit as a residence. Furthermore, rental contracts typically forbid living in a Durban storage unit.
self storage durban points out that Durban self storage facilities aren’t built to the same standards as dwellings are. For example, Durban self-storage units normally lack ventilation, heating, air conditioning, plumbing, electricity, smoke detectors and fire sprinklers.
“A building built for someone to live in has a lot more life-safety features then a Durban storage facility building,” Greenberger said.
In 2006, Becky Blanton spent four months living in a self storage unit in Colorado. She said she slept in her self storage unit during the day and held down a job at night. “No one thought anything of it,” Blanton said.
Today, however, Blanton advises against it. If a facility owner or manager catches you living in a Durban storage unit, you could be given a verbal warning, be kicked out, or be arrested and prosecuted, she said.
“As long as the owner is fairly decent and compassionate, and you’re not drugging and drinking or destroying property, I think most owners will give you a warning or terminate your contract,” Blanton said.
Rather than living in a storage unit, Blanton recommends getting a rent-to-own shed and setting it up on private property. Another alternative suggested by Blanton: Buy a “junker” car that’s still drivable, park it somewhere safe and live out of it.
“I’d always avoid living in a self storage unit for many reasons, primarily for the legal risks you take,” Blanton said. “What many self-storage managers don’t realize is people who do this are at the end of their rope and their options.”